1. A street light in my area is not
working for the last few days what have I to do & whom
to contact?
Ans: You may have to make a complaint
to the electricity department describing the pole No. on which
the street light is not working. |
2. Garbage or the dust bin is not cleared
for many day's, therefore it is smelling badly what I have
to do?
Ans: You have to make a complaint in
writing in simple letter Describing the dust bin No. which
is recorded by Red colour,the same will be cleared within
24 hours. |
3. A dead animal dog/cow is lying on
the road no one has come to remove the same, what I have to
Ans: Make a simple application or complain
orally to the Municipal officer or the Chief Officer, same
will be removed immediately. |
4. A building adjoining to the road of/my
house is in dilapidated condition, which may fall any time causing
loss of life, the owner of building is not taking any care.
What can I do?
Ans: You can make an application to the
Chief Officer, who after examining the building with the technical
staff will issue the necessary order. |